Bonus : la strega e il calderone
Bonus: the Witch and the cauldron
Queste scene sono state completamente impregnati, dipinte,
animati e fotografati entro settembre 1937. Poi, nel mese di novembre, appena
un mese prima del debutto, la scena della strega che inzuppa la mela è stato rimosso
e divenne il nuovo inizio per Sequence 9A (Si svolge in laboratorio della Regina, dove la strega mette la mela nel calderone). Come le altre scene eliminate tutto
il film, la strega che mescola il calderone era stato probabilmente tagliati
semplicemente per stringere la storia.
Complessivamente, la scena del calderone cancellato durano
circa 34 secondi. La Strega e il corvo erano animati da Norm Ferguson. Animazione
e effetto speciale è stata completata da George Rowley (bolle calderone e
vapore), Paul Satterfield (vapore e liquido nel flacone), e Reuben Timmons
scenes were fully inked, painted, animated and photographed by September 1937.
Then in November, just one month before the premiere, the scene of the Witch
dunking the apple was re-shot and became the new beginning for Sequence 9A (takes
place in the Queen's laboratory where the "Old Hag" stands over her
cauldron) Like the other deleted scenes
throughout the film, these of the Witch stirring her cauldron were probably cut
simply to tighten the story.
the cauldron deleted scenes last approximately 34 seconds. The Witch and Raven
were animated by Norm Ferguson. Special effect animation was completed by
George Rowley (cauldron bubbles and steam), Paul Satterfield (steam and liquid
in vial), and Reuben Timmons (steam)
This sequence would have occurred immediately after the scene of the Seven Dwarfs going to sleep in their cottage; the sequence would have been followed by the scene in which the Witch dips the apple into the brew to make it poisonous.
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